Dickson Properties Website
The Challenge
Dickson Properties owns and manages over 200 properties in the metro Richmond area. Although the company had a website, it didn’t adequately highlight properties nor have the means to deliver rental applications to new tenants or allow current tenants to request maintenance. Dickson staff also wanted to maintain the site on their own and they found it difficult to add and remove properties. Perhaps most importantly, the existing site didn’t have a polished, professional look and, therefore, didn’t give the management company the credibility it needed.
The Solution
The clean design MPD used for Dickson’s new site features all of Dickson’s properties, clearly organized by number of bedrooms, location, rent and availability – right on the home page. When a potential tenant clicks on a property in which they’re interested, the site takes them to a photo of the interior and exterior as well as more details about the space. Working with Visual Chefs, the site was built on an Expression Engine backend that made it easy for the Dickson Properties staff to maintain the site on a daily basis, plus add and remove properties. The new site also includes a maintenance request form along with application download and other form downloads.
Visit the website: dicksonproperties.com